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Washington, D.C., March 14, 2023 – Valerie Huber, president and founder of the Institute for Women’s Health (IWH), visited Guatemala last week, having accepted an invitation from government officials to speak at a number of events about the advancement of holistic health outcomes for women and families.

Huber addressed attendees from across Latin America on March 7 at the Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala. There she shared IWH’s focus on working with faith leaders in Guatemala to increase the efficacy of the country’s women’s health initiatives. The presentation shared vast research focused on empowering faith communities to accelerate a tipping point toward delivering health solutions that improve health for women.

At IWH, we believe that protecting the lives of women and girls at every stage of life is non-negotiable,” Huber said.This must begin during their first 1,000 days of life, where their long-term health trajectory is set. It then must continue throughout every subsequent stage of life until their last breath.” 

Huber was also invited to speak at a March 9 event sponsored by the government of Guatemala for the National Day for Life and Family. Huber spoke of the partnership between IWH and the Guatemalan government to create resources that empower the nation to support health, life, and family.

As part of this initiative, IWH has partnered with Minister Claudia Ruiz and her team at the Ministry of Education to launch the “Parenting School Guide: Prevention and Care.” This resource encourages honest conversations between parents and children and will be provided to all families in the public school system. 

Through the Parenting School Guide, we strengthen health outcomes in Guatemala by empowering parents to build closeness with their children,said Huber.This resource will develop a new generation of young people who are compassionate, respectful and take personal responsibility, who are equipped to be productive members of their community and pass on the qualities they learned to their own families one day.”


About The Institute for Women’s Health

The Institute for Women’s Health is the only women’s health policy organization of its kind in the U.S. – and possibly anywhere. IWH exists to promote the highest attainable health and wellbeing for women throughout every stage of their lives, and works to tackle the most pressing women’s health issues through honest discourse, targeted action, and empowered alliances. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., IWH engages both domestically and internationally to build coalitions in support of optimal women’s health. IWH works with governments, policymakers, think tanks, academics, health professionals, nongovernmental organizations, faith-based groups, corporations and all who share a common mission to see women thrive everywhere.

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